Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Couple of weeks in

The choice of TV to watch is definitely becoming more important. Jamie Oliver has a special lockdown cookery show, I happened to have some cubed beef so was inspired to follow his beef hotpot recipe - it was delicious. 

Yesterday I started to watch a documentary about the Spanish flu pandemic. It was just too real life so I stopped after 1 minute. 

Cut into 1 inch chunks - 2 carrots, 2 onions, 2 celery sticks (I added more carrots)
Add herbs (he suggested rosemary, I didn’t have any dominos added a bit of sage)
Fry them in olive oil
Add a heaped table spoon of flour and stir
Pour in a bottle of beer
Add a tin on tomatoes 
Fill the tin with water and add that too
Put the raw beef in the pan
(I added 1 teaspoon mustard powder and a glug of Henderson’s relish)
Cover and put in 160° oven for 2 hours
Par boil potatoes in 1cm slices for 10 minutes
Place on top of beef stew
Brush with olive oil
Back in the oven uncovered at 180° for 40 minutes

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