Saturday, January 07, 2006

Entry for November 22, 2005

Mummy and I went to visit her midwife today, she's the lady that looks after mummies when they are waiting for babies. Mummy's midwife is called Bev, she's very nice - mummy sees her most weeks. Mummy had some tests done and she's got very slightly high blood pressure (I'll try to explain it to you one day - when I understand what blood pressure really means), mummy also has protein in her wee (I'll explain more another day).

It's nothing to worry about but tomorrow I am taking mummy to the hospital for some further test, to make sure that you and mummy are both OK. It's possible that the nice people at the hospital either look after mummy for a little bit so she can have some rest and they might even help you be born sooner. I can't wait to meet you!

On a completely different subject, I've been listening to Waves by a band called Blancmange. I'll play it to you one day, I promise.

See you soon, Daddy xxx

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