Monday, February 20, 2006

Daddy Daughter Night

Monday night is daddy daughter night, I think I might have told you this before. You have been a bit grumpy - you won't have your bottle. Mummy tried to feed you, herself, then with the bottle then from a special baby cup. Nothing worked.

I took you upstairs to your crib and put on yout mobile, with the horse, elephant and GIraffe. For the first 10 mins you were delighted, smiling, cooing and kicking your little legs. You are grump again now and the only wat to stop you crying is to let you suck on my finger as I type.

good job i love you bumble-bee

Saturday, February 11, 2006

wot u lookin at?

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with mum

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love the 1970's flick...nice


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B's chair

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

PJ Girl

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Simon W's Blog

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